Greetings Investors! It’s well known for those who follow or are invested in the sector that, by and large, precious metals-related stocks have done a poor job of keeping up with the strong 2024 run in the metals themselves (especially…

Greetings Investors! It’s well known for those who follow or are invested in the sector that, by and large, precious metals-related stocks have done a poor job of keeping up with the strong 2024 run in the metals themselves (especially…
Greetings Investors! Putting together an especially meaty podcast (LISTEN HERE) late this past week, The Prospector News’ Mike Fox and I mused over why either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris would even want the job of being president the next…
Greetings investors! The seemingly unstoppable rally on Wall Street (thin though it’s been for most of its run, as I have been discussing) has been fed by ever-growing inflows into large-cap and Mag 7-related funds especially. I’m going to help…
This coming week we’ll be gearing up in a bit more earnest to navigate the back half of 2024, now that the early Summer Canada Day/Independence Day holidays are past. It’s time for our Mid-year Market Wrap Up! Between the…
Late this past week with our Konni Harrison, I gave AN UPDATE on the renewed dynamics of The Great Stagflation which–among other things–have led to: —> New 2024 highs for both inflation and interest rates (and going higher still in…
Three Words Will Guide Markets in 2024: Supply…Supply…and SUPPLY! By Chris Temple – Editor/Publisher The National Investor Sunday a.m. — Nov. 19, 2023 The present monetary tightening cycle which now seems to be nearing its end (as far…