EXPOSED: The usual Hucksters and their warnings (again!) of a new “world currency.”

EXPOSED: The usual Hucksters and their warnings (again!) of a new "world currency."

By Chris Temple – Editor/Publisher

The National Investor

(Adapted from the first August, 2016 issue)

Image 1 for Article: EXPOSED: The usual Hucksters and their warnings (again!) of a new "world currency." On schedule, those "experts" who specialize in taking a grain of truth and spinning it into a mountain of B.S. in order to sell you something are at it again! The following is adapted from our most recent issue, where we again debunk these spurious claims that a new "world currency" -- and the imminent demise of the U.S. dollar -- is just around the corner. August, 2016 -- One-world currency hucksters

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