Russian Uranium Ban Fallout

If it's been a while since you checked in on Energy Fuels (NYSE-UUUU; TSE-EFR) you are in for one hell of a treat!

Already one of my core uranium-related companies (along with, most notably, Uranium Energy Corp. (NYSE-UEC), Energy Fuels has likewise made a LOT of money for our Members the last few years. Recently, though, markets have been confused as the company has staked its claim as well to be an emerging Rare Earth Elements processing powerhouse in the Western Hemisphere.

Tune in with Chris Temple as he interviews Curtis Moore, VP of Diversified Green Energy as they discuss the Russian Uranium Ban. This Is a thumbnail image linking to the Youtube Video.
Tune in with Chris Temple as he interviews Curtis Moore, VP of Diversified Green Energy as they discuss the Russian Uranium Ban

In OUR DISCUSSION, Curtis lays all this out: a road map toward Energy Fuels' White Mesa Mill being the most notable REE processor outside of China.

And meanwhile, the company will remain a leading U.S. uranium producer, vanadium miner and--here's the kicker--work towards potentially producing uber-valuable radio isotopes used in cancer treatments and other applications!

Make sure to watch; in relative terms, I see Energy Fuels as underpriced right now (and explain why, with an analogy to Cameco's purchase of part of Westinghouse a while back.)


In one of two major announcements in the hours ahead of this missive to you (the other being new/increased tariffs on imports from China, a story you'll be hearing more from me on imminently) President Biden late yesterday signed legislation banning imported uranium fuel from Russia, as you SEE HERE.

Biden signs bipartisan bill initiating the Russian Uranium Ban

I spoke of this with Moore in the above video; also, while in Washington recently, this was a very hot topic with--among others--UEC's V.P. Scott Melbye.

The uranium space has been among THE big winners for our Members over the last few years. Having logged some of our big gains recently, we will now be looking to redeploy some dough into areas/companies that didn't participate as much in the first wave of the nuclear energy renaissance.

That may become a bit more urgent, depending on Russia's near-term response to this latest upping of the ante in the new global commodities war.

For present purposes (and apart from our broad ETF exposure) on my list in addition to UUUU and UEC is Blue Sky Uranium, one of many smaller exploration "juniors" not yet to have enjoyed the uranium move.

CLICK HERE or on the graphic below to learn why this sleeper should be on your radar screen; in part, given that--unlike most of its peers--it likely won't be waiting in line to sell its uranium once it's at development stage.

Tune in with Chris Temple as he interviews Nico Cacos, CEO of Blue Sky Uranium as they discuss topics including the Russian Uranium Ban.
Tune in with Chris Temple as he interviews Nico Cacos, CEO of Blue Sky Uranium as they discuss topics including the Russian Uranium Ban.

Likewise, an overview of UEC is AVAILABLE HERE; it's in the form of a profile on the company I did with Melbye last fall. We'll be doing a fresh update in the near future; and in it will address the now-in effect Russian uranium ban and UEC's restarting of production, etc.

Don't forget that you can follow my thoughts, focus and all pretty much daily ! ! !

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