(NOTE: New/returning subscribers will now receive the NEW/EXPANDED VERSION!!) Though nearly a decade old, Chris’ “signature presentation” here remains the best primer on the nature of our markets you will read ANYWHERE. Once you have read this, you will know…
Day: March 27, 2014
The REAL Cause of Enron’s Collapse
When energy giant Enron imploded in scandal and financial ruin, too many described it as a tale of political cronyism, greed and whatnot. The truth was deeper than that: Enron collapsed because it had turned itself into the poster child…
Real American Heroes
Once upon a time in America, there was a thriving middle class; citizens able to enjoy “The American Dream” because they had good, stable jobs that paid a living wage. One of the great advocates of “A Square Deal” for…
Why Glass-Steagall HAD to be Repealed
It’s been nearly 15 years since this key Depression-era legislation was repealed by a Republican Congress and Democrat president. The reasons why the banks were pushing for Glass-Steagall to be deep-sixed became evident with the monstrous mortgage and derivatives boom–and BUST–of…
Ithaca HOURS–Community currency alternative to Bitcoin
(NOTE: Chris will be updating the Ithaca HOURS story and adding a LOT to it in his upcoming Special Report entitled “Building an Economic Lifeboat.”) Years ago, Chris wrote of a wonderful new–and successful–experiment to create “an economy within an…